Very proud to announce my first major VO client, TOYOTA!!!
This project had been in the works for the past 8 months or so and at a certain point, I was not sure if it was even going to happen. I had made peace with the fact that “if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen.” But it did, and it’s still surreal (although I never got that Prius that I tried to have put in the contract, just kidding, haha).
I am voicing the Male part (obviously, haha) for Toyota’s “Behind The Design” campaign, an audio tour of their corporate HQ ‘s in Texas.
Here is the breakdown of the episodes:
Episode 2 (I voice this whole episode)
Episode 4 (0:00-21 seconds)
Episode 5 (back and forth with the Female VO)
Episode 6 (0:00-31 seconds)
Episode 9 (I voice this whole episode)
Thanks go out to Matt Gill at Burn The Boats Productions in NYC, and of course the fine folks at Toyota.