Meowville Mysterious

Monday, November 27th, 2017

Well, last week I was a Dog…now I’m a Cat!

Excited to announce a new animation project I’m doing voice work on called “Meowville Mysterious”, along with a talented cast of VO pros!

I am voicing Curtis, the blue haired older brother in this series!

Please enjoy, share and like Episode 1: Door To The Ocean


            CURTIS THE CAT!!!

Childhood dream of voicing a cartoon character, CHECK!

Friday, September 22nd, 2017

Beyond excited to post about a new animation project I’m involved with called Post Apocalyptic Wanderers!!!

I’m voicing Mikey, the little blue haired guy (and JFK, Charlie Sheen and Stanley Kubrick).

For me, this is by far one of the most fun projects I’ve ever been involved with (and I’ve been involved in some projects, I tells you!). Being a fan of animation since I was a wee lad, I always wanted to voice a cartoon character. And by jove, I’ve done it!

Much thanks go out to my talented buddy Rob O’Dwyer who voices Jimmy and Fluffy and Joe Corrao who created these insanely fun characters and the world they inhabit!

Enjoy, more to come!!!

Voice Over.


The latest Fuzzy Puppet is up!!!
I am voicing 4 puppets in this one!
The 3 fearful woodland creatures and…THE DRAGON!!!
My VO starts around 7:04

If y’all have kids (or are kids at heart) please check out the whole video, there’s lots of fun creative stuff! Give it a thumbs up, subscribe or leave a comment!

I have some other projects rolling in that I will be updating soon as well!

Stay tuned!
Voice Over.

All This And Puppet Stew!

Proud to announce I have my first (completed) gig!!!

I play the “mouse comedian” for the Fuzzy Puppet Youtube Show (starts about 3 seconds in)

The Fuzzy Puppet is a family friendly, kid oriented show that focuses on family videos and toy reviews.

More news to come!

Thanks as always!!!

Auditions and Audiobook Volunteerin’

Hi again from VO land!  Since my last post, I’ve been busy auditioning up a storm, but I’d like to dedicate this quick blog to talk about a wonderful non-profit group I’ve started working with in Princeton, NJ called Learning Ally. They’re a producer of audiobooks for students with print disabilities, including blindness, visual impairment and dyslexia. I have helped out on the narration side and just finished recording my first book for them, Dr. Seuss’s SleepBook (something I could use more of 🙂 I will post a link to the project once it’s finalized and ready to go! If you’d be interested in volunteering, you can find them at:

That’s all I have for this week. Make sure to check back because exciting things are ahead!

And as my VO mantra states:

Eat. Sleep. Voice Over. Repeat.



Eat. Sleep. Voice Over. Repeat.

Hello there!  And welcome to my 1st blog, and the launch of my voice over website! I’m very excited to begin this journey in pursuit of my ultimate goal of becoming a professional full time voice over actor! The pursuit of any creative endeavor (especially when you’re trying to turn “pro”) can be altogether exciting, nerve-wracking, emotional and character revealing. It’s a winding road filled with uncertainty. However with drive, determination and a willingness to endure, I am ready to work toward my dream!

Stay tuned here for updates, ramblings and the goings-on in my voice over life.

And as my VO mantra states:

Eat. Sleep. Voice Over. Repeat.

