Cuts On Kashykk…A Star Wars (Parody) Commercial

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

Time for some fun!  Here is a commercial that I cooked up for a Star Wars podcast that I co-host called Tw’ilek Talk. I voice the galactic barber that will sell you on all of the latest hairstyles (you know, The Padme Pixie, The Maul Mullet, The Corellian Crew Cut). They also sell Wookie Cookies!



Post Apocalyptic Wanderer’s: “Dudes, Bros & Old Friends”

Monday, February 19th 2018


The boys encounter 2 opposing sides in heated battle. With all the testosterone in the air Mikey and Jim get into the fray but on opposite sides. After a short battle they try to use reason to settle the differences but find they are now the object of the wrath. A mysterious stranger bails them out.

Voices: Ben Sbar: Mikey

Rob O’Dwyer: Jim, Fluffy, KangaDude, ChickenBro

Written by: Damien Pollock & Joe Corrao

More Meowville Please!!! (Episodes 4-8)

Thursday, February 1st, 2018 

Continue the adventure as Curtis, Zoe, Tyler and friends continue the search for their parents (and meet some interesting folks along the way!)

First major client, TOYOTA!!



Very proud to announce my first major VO client, TOYOTA!!!

This project had been in the works for the past 8 months or so and at a certain point, I was not sure if it was even going to happen. I had made peace with the fact that “if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen.” But it did, and it’s still surreal (although I never got that Prius that I tried to have put in the contract, just kidding, haha).

I am voicing the Male part (obviously, haha) for Toyota’s “Behind The Design” campaign, an audio tour of their corporate HQ ‘s in Texas.

Here is the breakdown of the episodes:

Episode 2 (I voice this whole episode)

Episode 4 (0:00-21 seconds)

Episode 5 (back and forth with the Female VO)

Episode 6 (0:00-31 seconds)

Episode 9 (I voice this whole episode)

Thanks go out to Matt Gill at Burn The Boats Productions in NYC, and of course the fine folks at Toyota.

Happy Holidays from the Post Apocalyptic Wanderer’s!

Thursday, December 7th, 2017

There’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit then enjoying this heartwarming edition of the Post Apocalyptic Wanderer’s Christmas Special!

In this episode I am joined by the uber talented Rob O’Dwyer voicing Jim and Fluffy, and I return as the blue haired wonder (or wanderer) Mikey. I also contributed on the musical side of things with a little jazzy piano number. Enjoy!